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Presentations and written work by CanyonWren.Org staff 


"On the trail of..." books
University of New Mexico Press

Eco-Tracking: On the Trail of Habitat Change by Daniel Shaw, with photos by Livingston MacLake and Melanie Keithley, is a book about paying attention to your habitat and how it is connected to the wider environment. To be in habitat does not require a trip to a rain forest or national park. Wherever you are - you are surrounded by habitat. In Eco-tracking: On the Trail of Habitat Change discover the real life stories of students who become community (citizen) scientists by recording changes in their own local habitats. 


Eco-Tracking, 2010. UNM Press.   ISBN: 978-0-8263-4531-8


Southwest Aquatic Habitats: On the Trail of Fish in a Desert, by Daniel Shaw, takes the reader on an adventure across dry lands spotted with water. You might not expect to find fish in a desert, but if you look, find them you will. This book tells the true stories of young people who study and care for water, fish, and other creatures in and around desert streams, ponds, lakes, and rivers. From Katie fishing in the trout streams of northern New Mexico to Ivon living along the Rio Grande in Mexico.


SW Aquatic Habitat, 2013. UNM Press.   ISBN: 978-0-8263-5309-2

Both books available from the University of New Mexico Press at full price and much less for used copies from an online seller named for a rainforest.




Fishy Climate
A BEMP learning adventure 

Fishy Climate: A wild animal adventure along a changing Rio Grande, by Daniel Shaw with illustrations by Reese Bice, is

a Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program (BEMP) book.


A porcupine has more than one point to make about how climate reality impacts his new fish friends, a Rio Grande silvery minnow and a razorback sucker. Together they trek across the desert southwest meeting other animals endangered by human-caused changes. Those other animals have information to share, but some of them, like a grumpy Bald eagle, consider turning the fish into breakfast. Dodging hungry predators and figuring out that rising carbon dioxide levels both pose a threat to these animals is just part of their adventure. Yet their journey includes some stories of hope, like when they meet Elaine, a young community scientist who tracks environmental change and cares for land and water with kids from her school. It might be hard to be a fish in a desert, but it's not impossible.

Fishy Cllimate, 2019. BEMP.     ISBN: 978-1-7336661-0-7


Order from Bookworks an Independent Bookstore.

(Also available from an online seller named for a rainforest.)

(C) Daniel Shaw, red spotted toad san juan river UT 125 UDSC07012.jpg

Recent Essays/Articles
By Daniel Shaw

William Meehan an AFS Legacy Builder. Fisheries. August 2020.


Closing and defining Petroglyph National Monument trails, The NM Political Report. 16 November 2018.


A tweet is barely a noise. Blog post. 2018.


The Rio Grande del Norte National Monument: Leave it be. The NM Political Report. November 2017.


The cost of gutting the EPA: When I was a boy rivers caught fire. ABQ Free Press. 26 March 2017.


Elder, K.B, and D.C. Shaw. (2017). An Incubator for K-12 Citizen Scientists. Wildlife Professional, 11(1). (Contact daniel "at" to find out how to obtain a copy.)

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Selected Presentations
By Daniel Shaw

Daniel Shaw presents a Webinar for Green Teacher (magazine & education programs and resources) on "Eco-System Monitoring Programs" and talks about how teachers and others can engage students through ecological monitoring and community science programs. Access that webinar through The Green Teacher website at this link. (Subscription or other fee necessary for access.) (October 2017). The Webinar built from the article by Daniel Shaw in GreenTeacher, Falling Arthropods and Citizen Science (Issue 110, Summer 2016) (It is a Free Article).


Daniel Shaw and Students speak at Albuquerque's
March for Science watch on YouTube


"Cit​izen science - teaching in a time of global weirding" 
Daniel Shaw at TEDxABQEducation - watch on YouTube (2014).

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